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Chaz H. (5th grade 2022-2023)




Majestic, helpful

Driving, breaking, zooming

Tires, body propeller, tail

Souring, flying, spinning

Colorful, metal


Alyssa (4th grade 2021-2022)



Oh golly gee!
What happened to me?
MY life is so glum,
At least I'm not dumb!
Everybody is smart in their own special way,
Everybody say hey, hey, hey!

Cole (6th grade 2021-2022)

Wandering the Backrooms


Walking through walls

Walking through rooms

The occasional crack

The occasional boom

Endless hum

Boy it's a bum

Mono yellow walls

That don't stand too tall

Florescent lights

Endless fights

When will I escape

Now that's unknown

But all I must do now is Roam...

Brandy Jo C. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
Breakfast or Brake fast

I brake fast out of work
to get to breakfast in time.
There are 30 sec. 29 sec. 28 sec. 27 sec. 26 sec.
25 sec. 24 sec. 23 sec. 22 sec. 21 sec.
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 BBBRRREEEAAAKKKFFFAAASSSTTT is served 
Dad is not here
( Don't worry Dear I am home
just in time to eat
let us eat before the food get's cold!)

Carter (2nd grade 2020-2021)
The Very Dark Knight and the Very Spooky Castle


once upon a time
a brave knight
the one that went in the cave
he has the baby dragon as his pet
the next he called it royal dragon
he went in
he heard a ROAR
it was royal dragon

Jada D. (3rd grade 2020-2021)

sky's are grey, sky's are blue
so we only depend on one of the two
l only go out when the sky's are blue



l only play when the sky's aren't grey
so they don't run away

Time goes by

time goes by
time goes by so fast like a speedy rocket
unlike a wheel chair
I love fastness

Olivia F. (3rd grade 2020-2021)

Fidgets, Fidgets, all around,
There the coolest in the town.
They pop and squish and squish some more,
They go upside down and all around. Fidgets, Fidgets all around,
There the coolest in the town.


Cats and Dogs


Cute                    Doo doo
Amazing             Oozing slobber
Terrific                Gate required
Sweet                 Slobbery kisses

Noah W. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
I am Sick


I am sick my parents will not let me play!

I tell them I feel better.
They said you are sick.
I said no i'm not sick I just had a cold.
So I ran outside played
I ran away from my mom and dad.
So made a plan to never come back
so I never did!


Cats                                    Playing


Caring                               Peace
Awesome                          Lovely
Terrific                              Awesome
Sweet                                Yeeting

                                          Ice cold

Noah                                 Naps



Brandy Jo C. (3rd grade 2020-2021)

Fly Away Love


I dream of a time that I can fly
fly away from the time
fly to the trees to be free
free from the crowd's
free from the greed
to save our home planet
that we know and we love.
It may be scary when you know
that I am not home with you anymore
but don't worry.
I won't and didn't forget about you.
I love you. So don't worry.
I will always love you in the rain,
in the shade, in the sun,
and it won't be long before I am back.
You just need to believe in me
and I will return sooner than you think. Though I don't need to show you
because you already know that I love you.


Time Flies

When you are playing a checkers game Where did the time go.
It is behind you
it's heading towards the window.
Shut the window
the time is flying that way.
That was a close one
they're ready to play
it's to late 

Nolan (3rd grade 2020-2021)

summer is fun
summer is cool
i love to spend summer in the pool.

Olivia F. (3rd grade 2020-2021)


Recess is cold or warm or even BOTH,
which would be weird
because than it could form a tornado,
tornado's are bad because they WRECK things
and they cant UN-WRECK things,
they're TERRIBLE right off the bat,
that's why you either want recess to be warm
or cold
but I wouldn't recommend cold
because than you might freeze
and that would not be okay,
because than you cant move know matter what
unless you get put into the heat
and when that happens you melt,
but once you melt your going to get hot
and wish you were in the coldness,
so both is good
but if you see a funnel shape
forming in the clouds
or starting to slowly come down
to the ground

Olivia F. (3rd grade 2020-2021)


Late or not
Super fun
Super learners
Okays and yes's
Okays and no's
Movies sometimes

Nolan (3rd grade 2020-2021)

B stands for big
A stand for actually cool

stands for super fun to catch

S stands for super duper cool

Calia J. (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Mother's day!
Amazing flowers!
Yellow bright sun!



Awesome flow


Disney World

Disney world is a cool sight,
it is sometimes a fright,
it depends on what ride you fly,
go fly to Disney world.
It's fun, it's neat, it's even sweet!


The Flag


Flag stand so bright
Light the night
Amazing thing to stand up to
Girls and boys round to


Theo (3rd grade 2020-2021)


Super cool
Batter up




Times that are fun
Take a swing
In trusting
Never cheat
Good time




I love pop
I wont stop
it is fun
in the sun


Savanah S. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
Cats vs Dogs


dogs are bigger than cats
but they don't get along
usually they play and they are good
3 cats and 1 dog


cats and rats don't like each other
and i wish they could get along




dogs are furry 
they like to play fetch
they like to like you
and you give them a snake
and they will like you forever and ever
and you want to take them outside
and let them go to the bathroom


Olivia F. (3rd grade 2020-2021)



We NEED food so much
and we WANT food so much.
If we DON'T have food we will DIE
and if we DIE of STARVATION
we will not live.

Calia J. (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Robotic arms, legs and body
Others use their self
Body uses
Odd things they can do
Types of them are different
Some have robots built in things



Friends stick together
Royal pretend
Insect hater
Eating hoarders
Nice to others
Dads and moms let them have sleep overs Some come and go from home to home

Olivia F. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
Stomach Ache

My daughter is not allowed to play,
she is sick today,
she has a head ache,
stomach ache, and a back ache today,
she will not be able to play today
she has been throwing up and sleeping in bed
"but mom I might just need some fresh air,
but i'm to tired to go to school."
"you will not go outside today."
"but I feel better. but not as better to go to school."
"you will help me mow the lawn and weed the garden." "actually I'm going back to bed."
"that's what I thought."

Lilah (13 - 2020-2021)

Why I'm Upset

Because, my family's falling apart Because, my sister wants my mom to have full custody
Because, my moms getting married to some guy nobody likes

Brandy (3rd grade 2020-2021)

Over the mountain and faraway,
lives a dog named Chickenway.
He swam in a lake,
and he liked to say shake.
He played with he's toy's,
with he's chicken boy's.
He had a friend monkey,
named Donkey.
He know a chicky nuggy
That taste like paper,
named chicky nuggy paper.
He loves chicky nuggy's,
but not chicky Doggy's.

Nolan (3rd grade 2020-2021)

Out doors are Fun.
you dont need
A controller To have fun
All you need is
The out doors



Fishing is fun
Fishing is hard
Fishing is the best thing in World

Kendan (3rd Grade 2020-2021)
The Sound of Breakfast

Just add ice-cold milk
to a bowl of this crunchy cereal
and you'll hear a sound that's music to your ears.
It's a crackly symphony
that announces the goodness
of oven-toasted rice.

Sounds good doesn't it

Noah (3rd grade 2020-2021)
The Cat

Cats are not fat
but some are fat.
But this one is  
he sits on a mat.
He sits on it all day
he is a lazy cat.
We put a hat on him
He does not care about the hat.



Hi bunny!
You are funny.
He eats a lot of food.
He will eat a hood!

Lena (3rd grade 2020-2021)
He's there!

hes there hes there
hes sitting in the chair
i see him in the air
i see him everywhere 
he is behind me run, scatter!

Cole M. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
My Big Brother

My brother is big,
my brother is fast
i care so much about my brother,
he cares so much about me
we crack each other up
its pretty funny to.

Oliver B. (3rd grade 2020-2021)

I will not go I love it

Savanah S. (3rd grade 2020-2021)

teachers are bigger than parents
arent the boss
kids are bosses
when your parents arent home
you can lock the door

Jack S. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
The Box

The box is mab
it is brown
i like boxes 
Box is cool

Olivia F. (3rd grade 2020-2021)





School is fun.
School is cool.
School helps you learn.
School makes me feel happy.
School is tiring.
School makes me sweaty.
School makes me hungry.
School is fun.
School is cool.
School is something that will help your brain grow.
School will help you learn.
School is 8 hours long.
We get breaks every so often.

Nolan (3rd grade 2020-2021)
Wishing for a Big Fish

fishing and wishing
are alike
you gotta hope

Ashlynn V. (4th grade 2020-2021)
Earth Day

When Earth Day is here,
Tree's will grow near.
When you plant a tree,
Earth will become Free.
When you pick up trash,
The Earth will become clean in a flash.
When you cut a tree down,
The Earth will frown.

Paige K. (2nd grade 2020-2021)
Funny, that's about it.

well I'm funny
it rhymes with bunny
and see the bee that's honey
honey bears are made with money
its sunny out on the bate
there's a lake see
mayor to green and been
to green to been to seen!
purple is porple
gurple silly milly gilly greeny bing

Avery (2nd grade 2020-2021)
The Earth is Alive

The earth is alive!
The sun reaches up to the sky,
the flowers look up to me,
and the sky says hello to me.
The Earth is alive!

Harry (2nd grade 2020-2021)

reptile and big
makes people run, scream, hide
like the movies

Ray (2nd grade 2020-2021)

water can be mean
the water is very clear
water can be fun

Alan B. (2nd grade 2020-2021)
Earth Day

pick up your trash on the ground.
help the environment
by not destroying the environment.

Emma (2nd grade 2020-2021)
Earth Day

I Am the Earth
I Am strong
I Am blue and green.


Flowers smell so great
There's different kinds of them
they can grow on grass.

Treydon (2nd grade 2020-2021)


Puppies they need to be walked
and given water and food
and need to be let out
to go to the bath room.


Books are amazing things
you can read them
they can even teach you something.

Chance (2nd grade 2020-2021)

fuzzy, cuddle
run, jump, play
make me happy




I am the earth
my blood is my core
my nose is a volcano
my head is a tree.

Amber (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Trees are brown and green.
Trees are homes to birds and nests.
With trees birds can hide.

Mack (2nd grade 2020-2021)

cars are fast
but they do not go so fast in the grass
they can turn but not so firm
they can strike but not turn right

Katelyn (2nd grade 2020-2021)

black and loud
run, play, and chase
make me happy.

Myah (4th grade 2020-2021)

I have some dogs,
They can be some hogs.
I have some fish,
and they can swish.
I have some cats,
and they are little rats.
I have a turtle, his name is Wurtle.

Edith (2nd grade 2020-2021)
Bubble Cat

I have cat her name is bubbles
and she blows spit bubbles
and the weirdest thing is
all day long she blows bubbles in a bottle.


We Know Batman

a man in our class claims hes bat man
I don't believe him
so i will force him
i think its funny
but i claim he is not Batman
because people say he is.

Ainslie M. (3rd grade 2020-2021)
My Rabbit Reens

My rabbit Reens,
Does not like beans.
She is spunky.
She is stubborn like a donkey.

Danica (3rd grade 2020-2021)
My Dog is a Clown


My dog is sparkly he looks like a clown.
when he gets loud i make him lay down.
he has brown spots but he still looks like a clown.

Before he goes to bed he sees I am a clown

Celia (3rd grade 2020-2021)

The Pig in the Mud

Once there was a pig fat and plump
and he loved to roll in the mud.
He had a little mother that loved to play, and loved to play all day.
he loved to eat slop
but I told him to stop.
He loves to lick,
but I throw the stick.
I play it good, but he misunderstood.
I love him so much,
but he loves to munch.
He likes to play a puzzle with his lunch.
He likes to munch, he does.

Ashlynn V. (4th grade 2020-2021)

I have a Parakeet,
and he has some smelly feet.
I always look at his feathers,
he likes to eat cheddar.
I love him dearly dear,
He is always such a fear.

Haddie (3rd grade 2020-2021)



family, family, everyone has one,

family, family, kids all turn one,

mine has five some have nine,

family, family, you can't hide.


Khloe P. (4th grade 2020-2021)

My Dear Old Grandpa


I had a dear old grandpa
grandma loved him so,
but when i woke up in the morning
I found him on my phone.


No No No!

no don't do that
no don't do this
all my parents say is no
Santa says ho ho ho
my dad dresses up
and says NO NO NO
i say yes they say no
wow wow wow!

Ashlynn V. (4th grade 2020-2021)

Home Alone


When I am Home Alone,
I'm always so Lone.
When I get a snack,
The pantry will "CRACK!"
The cameras are off,
Until I cough.
When my parents come home,
I feel like they're unknown.
When I'm eating Dinner,
I hear a "Twitter Twitter!",
And remembered that I did not feed my bird.
When my parents get home,
They will be so mad,
that I did not feed Sassafrad!

(no name) (2nd grade 2020-2021)
The Sky is Blue

The sky is blue
We gloom
We have blue in us
with in The Air is us
The sky is blue
we are sweetie

Ella (2nd grade 2020-2021)
Dr. Seuss

I am Dr. Seuss
we will have so much fun to day.
yes yes yes we will 
I know please stay 
we will have fun.
I know I will 
will you?


My Home

at home at home
so funny too
I know so so so fun.
we play too.
and play, play and play
i know it's so so so funny too.

Natalie S. (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Chickens are so cute
they like worms
but they can't fly!
Their chicks are fluffy
and if you find a bug
they will eat it out of your hand.
But the most cool thing is
they can eat glass without getting hurt.
So now tell me aren't chickens neat?


Animals are different colors.
They can be fluffy, chubby and rough Animals can be like me and you!
Turtles are Reptiles
they like water and aren't slow!
They are fast in water
and some slow on land.
Dolphins have fins and swim in pods t
hey live in salt water and love humans. they eat fish and are curious.
NOW AREN'T ANIMALS NEAT???????????????????

Ashlynn V. (4th grade 2020-2021)


Ashlynn V. (4th grade 2020-2021)
Lil' Sister

I have a Lil' Sister,
and she is a lil' mister.
Whenever I have a play-date,
She always wants to join.
When she is hungry,
she'll beg for sirloin.
She is always such a hassle,
it's like she lives in a castle.
She is always so spoiled,
I wish she was coiled.

Delani (2nd grade 2020-2021)

My Puppy

My puppy is cute
my puppy is sweet
my puppy loves to play tug-o-war 
my puppy is awesome

Arianna (2nd grade 2020-2021)
The Meaning of Cute


Elias (3rd grade 2020-2021)
Jurassic World

Jurassic world is a good game
its fun and the best
but is it lets see
is it yes or no
i hope soo
because i love it
can i say yes sir
play jurassic world the game

Leah P. (3rd grade 2020-2021)

My puppy is a beagle
hes very very beagle
he howls at rabbits
and barks at cats.
He growls at the mailman.
He gets in trouble a lot 
but still is cute

Tamara (3rd grade 2020-2021)
Cats and Dogs

cats and dogs
do not go together at all
so if you got a cat or a dog
do not
put them

Levi (2nd grade 2020-2021)


catch a fish
hook a fish
slap a fish
string a fish
for a fish
scale a fish

filet a fish
bone a fish
skin a fish
cook a fish
that's a fish

Adam J. (5th grade 2020-2021)


My dog woke up one day
Alas, one day.
To go to Twitter
And met a guy named smitter.

Carter (2nd grade 2020-2021)
My Dad

My dad is the best
because he can juggle
and is the best cooker in the world
and he can light the hugest fire in the world.

One Dark Cave

there was one dark cave
with one scary sound
but when the knight went in
it was a baby dragon.

Morgan M. (2nd grade 2020-2021)
The Cat Who Lost His Hat

There was a cat that had a hat
who didn't like the water
but one day the wind took his hat
and it landed on a bat
and the cat flew after

Parker (2nd grade 2020-2021)
Cute Puppies and Cute Kitties

When I opened the box
there were kittys and puppys!!!
then I played with them
because they so cute
when I feed them lunch tomorrow
I will play with them!!!!!

Calia J. (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Easter is fun,
you get candy on Easter,
candy in plastic eggs,
Easter is almost here,
so color eggs,
get you Easter basket out,
have fun getting ready!

Pets are nice, pets are cute,
you can have a fish,
you can have a dog,
you can have a cat,
you can have a lizard,
you can have lots!
Have fun with pets,
have fun always,
now time to go.

Horses are nice,
horses you can ride,
horses eat apples,
most horses live at a farm,
you may see them if you go on a field trip, horses also may eat hay,
horses are my favorite animal
maybe you will like horses now too!

Olivia (2nd grade (2020-2021)


Wishy Fishy Dishy
Wishy Fishy Dishy comes to wish me with a dish of fishy.
kind fish I dish up the fishy and eat it,
what a fishy fish!

Jack S (4th grade 2020-2021)






when you go skydiving its a beautiful sight
there are some dangers in skydiving
like maybe landing in a tree
or landing on a parakeet
when you land it might feel weird
if you land on a para-glider

Haddie (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Chub and Dove

A cat named Chub meowed in love
Chub was in love with a cat named Dove
Chub came over and said "Hello my love"
But Dove said "Go away chubby Chub"
"But why Dove?" asked Chub
"You are chubby" said skinny old Dove
"What if I become skinny like you Dove" said Chub
"Not gonna happen Chub," said Dove.
"Pleassssssssssse," said Chub
"You can," said Dove "But you got to say I love the great and powerful beautiful Dove."

So Chub said it and got married to Dove!


Colten (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Cats vs. Dogs
It all began when I woke up this morning
I saw something suspicious
my cat and my dog
were making so much ruckus
my cat scratched my dog
my dog growled at my cat
my dog yelped and ran.

The Mystery Cave
One night I was exploring in the woods then I saw something weird
I was shocked
the end

Haddie (2nd grade 2020-2021)

Mr. Close


He smiles so bright
He is not a fright
He is teaching so good
He gets everything right!

Even if my keyboard is not working right.
It will not keep me typing tonight!

Chevelle (5th grade 2020-2021)

Fishy Swishy


Fishy fishy swishy
caught a fishy fishy swishy
and keep a fishy fishy swishy
and that fishy fishy swishy
the swish swish swish.

Chloe F (2nd grade 2020-2021)

My Puppy


My puppy is cute
But pees a lot
I love her so much
And it never will stop




Hailey (2nd grade 2020-2021)

I miss you


I miss you a lot
because you are in florida
and I’m in elk mound
and when I have a birthday
you can’t come

Marcus (6th grade 2020-2021)


im dash
i like to go fast
my favorite food is hash
watch out crash
he is stealing cash
no need to be rash


Isabella V (6th grade 2019-2020)

Guiding Star of Love

Why did you take it? Why did you break it?
I trusted you and now I’m blue
My thoughts and feelings all washed away;
A broken heart was what I had to pay
I am now lost and alone, Hidden in sorrow,
You’ve stolen something I let you borrow
Can I have it back? Will it ever be returned?
No, it’s been ripped up and burned.
Why should I hide the tears and scars away?
Why had all that happened been my fears?
I’ll never regain that welcoming feeling,
The one that once destroyed my weeping
I should’ve learn, though I still yearn for that place of happiness
Are you happy now? Have you found a new life so perfect? Did you ever reflect on the damage you’ve done?
You’ve had your fun, and leave without a trace
My pain still bails and howls against my chest
I wish my heart found a place to rest,
Eager to open up again
But what is it that I am to defend?
I want to see a new light
One that shines brightest in the night
Looking upon the stars,
I count each one until I see The only one looking back at me. He reaches out his hand; golden fingers sure to follow
He fixes something that was once so hollow,
Into something not so hollow anymore.
It’s full, it’s free,
Now I can guarantee I look back at that guiding star above, But the entire time, all I saw was,

Paetra L (6th grade 2020-2021)


Monster Seeks

I'm playing hide and seek today although it is quite dangerous. I play it with my monster who is quite spontaneous. he jumps out from under the bed and scares me like no others but When I find my monster he shrieks and runs to the covers. My monster may be six foot tall, but if he is found he cries and bawls. He's not to good at hide and seek we should find another game. hiding not his game but then again his seeking should get some fame. my monster plays with me all day and that's not something lame.

Dan (6th grade 2019-2020)

The oversized man

I saw a oversized man
That his name was dan
But he still was a dork
For instance he had a pet fork

Dustin (6th grade 2019-2020)

Jim and Tim

My moms name is Jim her dads name is Tim yesterday Jim lost a lim Tim forgot how to swim and I lost my sim.

Bella (6th grade 2019-2020)

The Golden States

When I swim in the dim morning light for the excite that awaits and indicates the waking primates in their breathtaking skates lead me right into the golden states.

Gavin (6th grade 2019-2020)

The Legend of the Spark

On that dark creepy night Lived a creepy legend of a creepy sight A dim light in a room of dark That small dim spark Gaining energy from all A small creepy ball Crawling across the hall Building a legend With that big huge engine The lights flickered Well he tinkered It was done The fun had just begun

Ruby (6th grade 2019-2020)


I may be stuck but I’m a duck no bigger than a puck p you may just say I’m castaway I put I’m a mighty duck, I have to say I’m out of luck but I’m a mighty duck.

Kallie and Ashlyn (6th grade 2019-2020)


Here’s a tip for drama,
Leave it with your llama.
So that no one’s hurt,
Please don’t blurt,
It hurts people’s feelings.
It comes with great karma,
So bring on your momma,
And will have a chitchat with you.
So take my advice,
It would be quite nice,
For llamas to cause the drama

Wyatt and Chris (6th grade 2019-2020)
My Chips Galore

My lips own the chips
Greasy and salty eclipse
Of flavour and fun

Russell (6th grade 2019-2020)


 For Richard and Maurice who created a piece,
with food with a lot of grease.
Let’s talk about your health,
they remain in with all the sugar and salt,
your guilty that it’s your fault.
Your fate, turns out with a ruthless shout,
your guilty of your mistake,
your stomach starts to ache,
your body begins to shake,
with all the weight.
You begin to trudge and nudge the bathroom door,
the toilet looks like chocolate fudge.

Lilyana (6th grade 2019-2020)

The Clone

The clone was in zone
well chewing on a bone
that wore a cone.
He owned a phone
but not a drone.
He threw a stone well alone.
He found a gemstone.
The gemstone was by an unknown tombstone.
With his overgrown telephone
he began to play the saxophone.

Lilyana (6th grade 2019-2020)

Smoggy Doggy

My doggie is soggy
because it’s foggy.
That’s why we named him smoggy.
His body is spotty and he’s really talky.
Oh there is a dolly he has a lolly.
Wait a second
I should name him Tommy.

Estella (6th grade 2019-2020)


We pledged our hearts,
my love and I,
I in my arms the maiden clasping,
I could not tell the reason why,
But, O, I trembled like an aspen!

Addy N (6th grade 2019-2020)


Candy is handy and dandy
oh yes it’s true and just between me and you
I eat candy like it’s food
and yes I know it’s bad for you
but hey it’s candy right sandy.

Axel (6th grade 2019-2020)

Your Mom

This is not a rhyme
For your mom is a slime
And wintertime ‘tis

Gabe (6th grade 2019-2020)

Hydro Flask

With the hydro flask dented the world has ended. Scrunches exploded turtles locked and loaded. Turtles implosion the end is near there is no stop The population will drop.

Chris (6th grade 2019-2020)

The Tea that Gave Love

I see some tea
She has of thee
Not one not two not three
I see that she’s the one for me
So I stand tall and strong
Next thing I know she has to go
So I have to say goodbye
I see that she lives next to me
So I go and say hi
So now we live together
and now we own a big boat

Vienna (6th grade 2019-2020)


I found a log with 2 frogs
my dog was with me to,
He ate them up like they were food,
Let’s leave this just between me and you.

Ashlyn (6th grade 2019-2020)

There’s a Turtle in my Locker

There’s a turtle in my locker,
I know it’s a real shocker.
When I walked into class,
I took a hall pass, after five minutes of class,
Only because he would not stop being a talker.

Logan R. (6th grade 2019-2020)

A Poem

We’re perfectly picking picky piety poetry pterodactyl

Lilly (6th grade 2019-2020)

My Dad

My Dad is awesome.
My Dad loves me very much.
I love him just the same!

The Annoying Black Bird

There once was an annoying black bird,
The annoying black bird has always been a turd.
His sister is nice,
She loves mice on rice.
The annoying black bird hates herds of nerds!

Lisbeth (6th grade 2019-2020)


Estella is glad, but it’s sad,
she cried, but I said it was fine,
which clearly I lied,
it was time to say goodbye,
she said it was fine,
when I denied,
i seemed sad, but she was glad,
then she died, because I sighed,
it was time to say goodbye to our friendship in the sky.

Aliza (6th grade 2019-2020)

Will to a Cat

Here is my will I leave to you faithful cat
Do not lose it or you will not get all my snacks
There crispy and sweet
They small like raw meat
But you still have to pay the tax

Camryn (6th grade 2019-2020)

It is dark,
But I went to the park.
Walking my dog you see,
He’s bouncing around with glee.
With no frown,
His crown is brown so,
Beautiful in town.
He’s so new,
He has no clue.
What to do.
With finding new adventures.
With his smile,
You’ll see in a while,
You’d never know he needs dentures.
He’s great to me,
Oh he will be, old and bold.
I can hold his paw,
Hopefully when I do he won’t claw me.
Soon it’s time,
To say goodbye.
But now he hums a rhyme.

Brayden (6th grade 2019-2020)

My Name is Joe

Hi My name is Joe
I like hot sauce on my tacos
Cause my name is Joe.

Tucker (6th grade 2019-2020)

Black Cat

I have a cat, My cat ate a bat,
Then she ate a brown rat,
She then sat up and she coughed up a hairball.
The hairball was big, squishy, and black,
Oh no, that wasn’t a hairball the bat was back,
The bat tried to attack, But the cat put it in a sack,
The bat scratched and tried to bite,
The cat finally threw the sack out the door,
That bat was very poor, That bat needs to be cared for,
This hurts the cat to her core,
She felt very sorry, so she cared for him and brought him inside.
The bat’s eyes were wide,
Oh no that bat just died,
Now this cat planned a funeral,
He was sad for the rest of his life

Aliza (6th grade 2019-2020)


Puppy’s galore
They have such big smiles
I love them so much
But we’re not getting one for a while
I begged and I begged
I did all my chores
I folded the clothes
And for them I opened the door
I did what they asked
I even gave them some reasons
But still they kept saying
Maybe next season
I don’t know why
They don’t want one now
How can it be I don’t know how
Their always so playful
And always so cute
But now I can see why
Their not always very mute
They bark and they howl
All through the night
They wake up my parents
And they have to turn on the lights
They have to be let out
And they have to be fed
They have to be watched
But they don’t have to go to bed
They take so much work
They take so much time
Well I can quit school
You won’t mind
I later on realized
I wasn’t ready yet
To have such a big time consuming
Brand new pet I went and told my parents
All that I thought
All my reasons
All my knots
Even though I was done with them
 I wasn’t done with my debate
I still really wanted a brand new pet
But I guess it was going to have to wait

Aliza (6th grade 2019-2020)

Mr. Close

Mr. Close is to tall
When he hits his head he bawls
Because he’s too tall

Addy (6th grade 2019-2020)


Candy is handy and dandy or yes it’s true and just between me and you I eat candy like it’s and yes I know it bad for you but hey it’s candy right sandy.

Jaxon (6th grade 2019-2020)

My Spooky Town

It was spooky it was fluky it was droopy there is Jude she was rude.

Onica (6th grade 2019-2020)


I don’t want to rhyme,
Unless you give me a dime,
Please give me some time.

Landyn (6th grade 2019-2020)


I went to the mall with my friend Jamal
I said Jamal the urinal is too tall
 your way too small
he said ok Paul
I’ll go pee on the wall
then slipped and had quite the fall.

Ireland (5th Grade 2018-2019)


In my class
there is glass
it could break when it awakes
it is tall it could fall
you shake it you break it
it is part of my heart
you break it I break you
it’s hot as a burning pot
you touch it
you die

The Broken Glass
By: Kinsey H. (5th grade 2019)


Oh, on a sunny morning, the sun so bright.
Their sat a glass, with only one task.
To be drank out of, to not be broken until the days last glance.

And one day the glass was drank out of.

Oh, the glass was so happy.

But when he was set down, what he didn’t notice,

is that he wasn’t near the table.

Oh not at all.

He was dropped! He was in fright.

When he hit the ground…

He was shattered.

Into many sized and sharp pieces.

He was broken.

And that was his last glance

Tucker (6th grade 2019-2020)

Eating the Muffin Man

I know the muffin man that lives on Drury lane,
When I tried to eat him he went on an airplane,
He was going to a big city,
I got there and felt no pity,
When I ate him I got a very big stain

Kayla E (6th grade 2019-2020)

The hairy dog, the lazy bear

My hairy likes to catch frogs and he is siting on a log and he catch the ball then he hit a wall. The lazy bear sleeps lazy bear got food eat the bear got a bath.

Ireland (5th Grade 2018-2019)
From Blue to New

A clown makes a frown when it’s sad
it had a smile till someone took it away
just sway and you’ll be ok
make it take it
turn it into something new
make it smile and don’t be blue
on a rainy day you can’t play
you have to stay inside and not go outside
don’t be blue turn it into something new
you could turn that day from something lame
and make it a game
if you just try and stay confident

Nora (6th grade 2019-2020)


Flying in the night Feathers pearly white Sitting in the moonlight Eyes yellow but gold In the snow freezing cold Staring at the moon Waiting till noon To hear a little tune

Marasina (6th grade 2019-2020)

ME and my friend

It looks like I was the unlucky ducky so we decided to get marshmallow fluffy with Buffy and Bucky and it was really puffy and after we were stuffy then we went on a run after we were pretty musty. So I guess I’m not unlucky after all

Too Confident

By: Roisin (5th Grade 2019)

Why is it that an actress like me never gets big parts

I’ll always be a stupid tree, but why not the Queen of Hearts?

If I’m honest, my chances were supposed to be pretty great,

That incredible audition was supposed to seal my fate.

Occasionally I might stumble, or fumble a prop or two (or three)

But still, I’m the greatest, there’s clearly nobody better than me.

So why is it that my director seems so fraudulent,

I don’t believe a word he says,

I’m NOT too confident!

© 2019 J. J. Close. 

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